Friday, February 1, 2013

Our Fear of Death and the American Health Care Crisis

It is well understood that America’s health care system is in crisis.  Access to care is an issue.  The amount of uninsured Americans has reached 47 million, and this number continues to grow.  Some people pay for health care services out-of-pocket.  In “The Moral-Hazard Myth,” Malcolm Gladwell wrote that the uninsured spends an average of $934 annually on minimal health care.  Others cannot even afford this “luxury” and go without medical care of any kind.  Additionally, U.S. health care is growing more rapidly than we can keep up with.  It is the size of Italy’s entire economy.  As of 2008, health care cost the U.S. $2.3 trillion.  If this growth continues, health care will cause America to go bankrupt.  And the icing on the cake?  As a result of all of this spending, Americans aren’t getting any healthier.  We have failed at addressing these problems, and instead we have "opted for a makeshift system of increasing complexity and dysfunction."  Such “solutions” have been plenty, and we still remain in this health care crisis.
Something has to change, but what is it?  I like to ask, where do we start?  Before talking about health care further, it is important to discuss culture.  In his book, A Return to Healing: Radical Health Care Reform and the Future of Medicine, Len Saputo wrote that the U.S. health care crisis emerges from “our dysfunctional cultural values,” such as “separatism, mechanism, isolationism, and fierce competition.”  Culture modulates the expression of health care, and if the foundations are weak, it will eventually impact the system negatively.  I think that our cultural taboos (which relate to our cultural values) also affect the health care system.  A large taboo that our culture particularly shares is our deep fear of death.  There are, of course, various ways that the fear of death can show up.  It can be fear of the unknown or suffering surrounding death.  It can be fear of having not lived to one’s expectations or leaving loved ones behind.  Either way, death is typically feared.  Another related cultural taboo includes aging.  In a society that predominantly values the young, aging is rarely seen as a "respectable,” “beautiful,” or “natural” process.  Aging, dying, and death are, in fact, consciously and unconsciously ignored in our culture.  Serving as examples, this article is about a woman who wants to be cryogenically frozen, and this paper describes the “future of death” and cryonics.  These examples are extremes, but they are intended to reflect our culture’s intense fear of death.
Although it is true that the fear of death naturally diffuses throughout our everyday culture, it is impossible to ignore death when looking directly at health care and medicine. According to Thomas Naylor, the late Professor Emeritus of Economics at Duke University, American health care “rests perilously on two principles: fear of death and greed.”  In his article, palliative care physician Brad Stuart wrote that the health care crisis itself is causing us to “confront the limitations of life.”  One way this can be seen is by exploring technology.  Medical technology has advanced so rapidly, and it has made us more aware of an alternate ‘zone’ of life. The more widespread usage of ventilators, for example, has allowed individuals to biologically survive despite not being able to breathe on their own.  Ventilators are useful for some patients.  On the other hand, these technologies have also created a new "zone" that is between life and death.  In her book, “And a Time to Die:  How American Hospitals Shape the End of Life,” Sharon Kaufman described this zone, “it is the gray zone between health, awareness, function, and viable life on the one hand, and “no longer a person,” “death in life,” or death on the other hand.  This gray zone has become exquisitely complex during the past thirty years and has spread—into new kinds of hospitals, into more patients’ lives and families’ worlds, to more medical conditions and corporeal states.”  What happens in this zone?  Doctors inform family members that the patient has a very little chance of surviving, but a very small chance still exists.  Families struggle with the news and hold onto any ounce of hope, thus deciding that any medical service and procedure should be utilized so that the patient may miraculously recover.  To ‘let’ someone die would be inhumane when a chance still exists, right?  Meanwhile, doctors, health professionals, and hospital systems have a conflicting need, as Sharon Kaufman put it, “to move things along.”  The health care system is based upon efficiency—when a patient is admitted into the hospital, it is a goal to discharge that patient as quickly as possible after receiving proper care.  However, doctors also try to do everything to save lives, which serves as the ‘heroic foundation’ needed for a medical miracle to take place.  In the documentary, “Money and Medicine,” a doctor had patient in “gray zone”.  He stated we must stop giving false hope to families, thus making it seem we can ward away death indefinitely.  Someone else commented that he is paid more for doing more even if it is not beneficial (and he strives to preserve life). Many conflicting values occur in this zone—where we modulate (or time) death itself—amongst health professionals, patients, and family members because we fail as a culture to discuss death.
There are several complications this “gray zone” is bringing attention to.  Among these topics, a big factor is money.  Len Saputo discussed that half of health care costs go toward terminally ill patients who are in their last year of life.  Although these patients may or may not have experienced the hospital-maintained “gray zone,” a percentage of them probably did.  Regarding the cost of dying, Sharon Kaufman explained that some economists and policy makers complain that it costs too much to die in America—the process of dying also goes on for too long.  In another article, Richard Lamm pointed out that many of us would do anything to save our own mother’s life.  For her, we would welcome all types of medical technologies and give her everything we can.  In response to this logic, he wrote, “you cannot build a health care system, or any public system, a mother at a time.  This is an unfair and unrealistic standard to hold public policy to.”  Thomas Naylor stated, When human greed exploits the fear of death, there is no limit as to how high healthcare prices can rise. For those who are fortunate enough to have good health insurance, the message is, You deserve the best medical care money can buy, because you are entitled to live forever.’”  Adding to the topic of economics, in “End-of-life Spending: Can We Rationalise Costs?,” Amber Barnato discussed the concept of quality-adjusted life-years (QALY).  In her article, she explained, "a year in perfect health (utility of 1.0) is weighted equally to two years in 'half' perfect health (utility of 0.5)."  Healthy individuals took the surveys and determined the quality of life they would experience if they had certain conditions.  Certain diseases had a ‘better’ QALY whereas some health issues had a ‘worse’ QALY.  This article made me think about how much economists are really thinking about death and dying.  As a country, do we want economists to make these decisions based upon poor surveying?  Do we want hospitals and insurance companies to decide when to ‘pull the plug’ (i.e. “death panels”) on our family members?  I propose ‘no’ to both questions. 
There are solutions that directly deal with our fear of death and dying.  It is probably the most uncomfortable solution, although it probably has the most useful and long-term advantages.  We need to address our fear of death.  We need to start talking about death on a very real level.  “We” includes doctors, nurses, patients, policy makers... and especially you and me.  Talking with family members is a great place to start. It may also be helpful to ‘relay’ current decisions to a primary care physician. Wills, health education on end-of-life, and a ‘more general’ cultural conversation around death will allow people to deal with emotions surrounding death.  Once we get talking about it, more clear solutions will appear.  It is quite well known that most people, when surveyed, do not want to experience a medicalized death.  They want to die at home.  What are the ‘gifts’ the “gray zone” makes us aware of in our health care system?  Are we now experiencing the point at which materialistic-based science will show us that addressing spiritual needs of patients, family members, and relatives are necessary to good health? 

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